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C# entity framework get data from combobox

            private void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                ScoutContext db = new ScoutContext();
                ScoutData cust = new ScoutData();
                cust.FName = textBox1.Text;
                cust.LName = textBox2.Text;
                cust.FName = textBox3.Text;
                cust.FaWork = textBox4.Text;
                cust.MoName = textBox5.Text;
                cust.MaWork = textBox6.Text;
                cust.PlaceOfBirth = textBox7.Text;
                cust.City = textBox8.Text;
                cust.School = textBox9.Text;
                cust.FaceBook = textBox10.Text;
                cust.Phone = textBox11.Text;
                cust.MPhone = textBox12.Text;
                cust.IDNumber = textBox13.Text;
                cust.NOfQaid = textBox14.Text;
                cust.GroupID = ?????????????????


i work on Windows form, i have this data that the user fill the textbox, after that i need to save the data to my context ( database ), this is my code to insert data to my data base , but i have data ( numbers and some string ) the user will chose from ComboBox. i need to get this data and save it to a list of object , this is the code :

 public class Groups
        public string GroupsID { set; get; }

        public string NameOfGroup { set; get; }
        ***public virtual List<ScoutData> Members { set; get; }***

The context:

  public class ScoutContext : DbContext
        public ScoutContext()
            : base("Scout")
        //    if (!Database.Exists("ScoutData"))
        //        Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<ScoutContext>());
        public DbSet<ScoutData> ScoutDatas { set; get; }
        public DbSet<Groups> GroupesScout { set; get; } 

i need to get this data from the combobox to Members list and save it to a list of object (Members)

It depends on what you have in the combobox.

private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var combo = sender as ComboBox;

    // If combobox has ScoutData then do this
    var item = combo.SelectedItem as ScoutData;

    // If combobox has something else then do this
    var item2 = combo.SelectedItem as SomeThingElse;
    var newScout = new ScoutData { FName = item2.FName /*, etc, etc */  };

    // Then add it to your list

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