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JAXRS-2.0 Filter: How does one add links to ContainerResponse

I'm implementing a ContainerResponseFilter that would add hypermedia links to the response.

The method signature in the ContainerResponseFilter is:

public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext, ContainerResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException

Unfortunately ContainerResponseContext does not allow me to set a Response object, and while there are getLinks() methods, there are not addLink(Link) or setLinks(Link...) methods.

I tried


but that resulted in an exception that said they could find a MessageBodyWriter for ResponseImpl . Also tried


which doesn not work either.

Anyone ever done this?

You should inject:

@Context HttpServletResponse r;

as a local field. All changes should be done through there.

So I found a way to do this, by replacing the entity:

URI uri = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder().path(RESOURCE_CLASS).path(RESOURCE_METHOD).build(domain_object.getId());
JaxbLink jaxbLink = new JaxbLink(uri);

Not certain this is a 100% correct, but it seems to work.

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