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Error 1305 when importing sql dump into mySQL Workbench

I am importing a sql dump file into MySQL workbench and keep getting the error below. Does this mean the rest of the file/records did not import or only the xxx.getRates portion did not? Will I be missing records from it? Does anyone know what might be causing this?

01:29:31 Restoring D:\\Projects\\CustomerName\\Customer Files\\xxx-2016-Oct-03.sql Running: mysql.exe --defaults-file="c:\\users\\admini~1\\appdata\\local\\temp\\2\\tmpru2fjn.cnf" --protocol=tcp --host=localhost --user=root --port=3306 --default-character-set=utf8 --comments --database=xxx < "D:\\Projects\\CustomerName\\Customer Files\\xxx-2016-Oct-03.sql

ERROR 1305 (42000) at line 33522: FUNCTION xxx.getRates does not exist

Operation failed with exitcode 1 01:34:29 Import of D:\\Projects\\CustomerName\\Customer Files\\xxx-2016-Oct-03.sql has finished with 1 errors

When using mysqldump , you must explicitly ask for Stored routines to be dumped. The option is --routines if you are running it manually. If you are running it through some app (Workbench), then look for its mechanism:

[ ] Dump Stored Procedures and Functions
[ ] Dump Events
[ ] Dump Triggers

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