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Strange issue with php5 & httpd

Issue 1:

I am getting the following message when starting httpd:

Starting httpd: [Thu Jan 12 18:05:40 2017] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping

So I was opening the httpd.conf located at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and couldn't find where php5 is getting loaded. Google ment that I should remove this part:

LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/libphp5.so

Issue 2:

I am not able to use mysql correctly in php. Google said that I should add a mysql extension to the php.ini. Weirdly the php.ini is located at /opt/remi/php55/root/etc/php.ini. Also at /opt/remi/ is a folder called php54 but I think that the folder is useless because I am using the version 5.6.29. Also there's no module called 'mysql.so'. Yes, I installed php and php-mysql.

I use CentOs 6.8.

You have installed various versions of mod_php, when Apache only allows one.

So you got the expected warning "module php5_module is already loaded". You have to disabled unwanted versions (of uninstall them).

You are using Software Collections (from "remi-safe" repository) which are designed for parallel installation (so use path under /opt)

  • If you use base version (php) you need php-mysql
  • If you use SCL version 5.6 (php56-php), you need php56-php-mysqlnd

If you want a single version, probably simpler to not use the SCL, but the base packages available in "remi-php56" repository.

See the Wizard instructions.

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