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How to display custom error messages of IIS Server in ASP.net MVC - 5

I am new to web development and I need to display custom error message that comes from IIS Server in MVC-5 application. for example "504 gateway time out error" or "500 Error". I am working on already existing code. Below is what I have till now.


protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
            if (!filterContext.ExceptionHandled)
                filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
                Logger.Error("SimController", "OnException", "An exception has occurred.", filterContext.Exception);

                // this will cause the error to be displayed to the user..
                Response.StatusCode = 500;

                Response.StatusDescription = Constants.DISPLAYED_ERROR_MESSAGE_SHARED;

                if (filterContext.Exception.GetType() == typeof(ValidationException))
                { Response.StatusDescription += Constants.ADDITIONAL_DETAIL_ERROR_MESSAGE + filterContext.Exception.Message; }
                { Response.StatusDescription += Constants.GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGE; }


 public ActionResult Index(string Message)
            // We choose to use the ViewBag to communicate the error message to the view
            ViewBag.Message = Message;
            return View();
        public ActionResult Oops(string Message)
            // We choose to use the ViewBag to communicate the error message to the view
            ViewBag.Message = Message;
            return View();


    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.1" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
    <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/ErrorPage/Oops">
      <error redirect="~/Error/Oops/404" statusCode="404" />
      <error redirect="~/Error/Oops/500" statusCode="500" />


 public class FilterConfig
        public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
            //filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());

protected void Application_Start()


I am new to coding so I have put whatever I could in this post. So, is that it? I am still not able to see the custom page for 500.

The way I am simulating the error is


 public ActionResult Index()
      return new HttpStatusCodeResult(500); 
      return View();

Post I referrred : Custom Error

  1. You did not create views for ErrorController.
  2. Oops(string Message) takes message as an argument. You pass there error code: redirect="~/Error/Oops/404" .
  3. Do not change 'Global.asax' file. It is enough to <customErrors mode="On"> .

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