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Drag And Drop Not Working In ScrollViewer

My problem is the drag and drop of border become not workin when I wrap the canvas inside the scrollviewer.

1200x1200 canvas put in the 500x500 scrollviewer. I want the canvas is scrollable (touch slide) in the scrollviewer. The drag and drop in canvas is working perfectly before I insert in the scrollviewer.


<Grid ClipToBounds="True">
        <ScrollViewer Name="scbb" Width="500" Height="500" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" 
            VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" HorizontalAlignment="Left"  
            VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="LightBlue" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True">
        <Canvas x:Name="canvas" Width="1200" Height="1200"
        <Button x:Name="btnEnable" Content="Enable" Height="50" Width="50" Margin="0,0,115,10" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" 
            HorizontalAlignment="Right" Click="btnEnable_Click"/>
        <Button Content="Add Image" Width="100" Height="100" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" 
            HorizontalAlignment="Right" Click="AddButtonClick" Margin="0,0,10,10"/>


private void AddButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int iNum = SETTING.GetTableRunningNumber();

            var borderWrap = new Border();
            borderWrap.Width = 100;
            borderWrap.Height = 100;
            borderWrap.Background = Brushes.Green;

            var label1 = new Label();
            label1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            label1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            label1.Content = "Table " + iNum.ToString();
            label1.Name = "Table" + iNum.ToString();
            label1.Foreground = Brushes.White;
            label1.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;

            borderWrap.Child = label1;
            borderWrap.MouseDown += TableMouseDown;

            Canvas.SetLeft(borderWrap, 10);
            Canvas.SetTop(borderWrap, 10);

            iNum += 1;

        private Point mousePosition;
        private Border draggedBorder;

        private void TableMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (!SETTING.GetEnableDrag())
                var cLabel = e.Source as Label;
                var bBorder = e.Source as Border;

                if (cLabel != null)

        private void CanvasMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (SETTING.GetEnableDrag())
                var dBorder = e.Source as Border;
                var cLabel = e.Source as Label;

                if (dBorder == null)
                    dBorder = (Border)cLabel.Parent;

                if (dBorder != null && canvas.CaptureMouse())
                    mousePosition = e.GetPosition(canvas);
                    draggedBorder = dBorder;
                    Panel.SetZIndex(draggedBorder, 1);

        async Task PutTaskDelay100()
            await Task.Delay(100);

        private async void CanvasMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (SETTING.GetEnableDrag())
                await PutTaskDelay100();
                if (draggedBorder != null)
                    Panel.SetZIndex(draggedBorder, 0);
                    draggedBorder = null;


        private void CanvasMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (SETTING.GetEnableDrag())
                double canvasSize = 1200;
                if (draggedBorder != null)
                    var position = e.GetPosition(canvas);
                    var offset = position - mousePosition;
                    mousePosition = position;

                    double newTop = Canvas.GetTop(draggedBorder) + offset.Y;
                    double newLeft = Canvas.GetLeft(draggedBorder) + offset.X;

                    if (newTop < 0)
                        newTop = 0;
                    else if (newTop + draggedBorder.ActualWidth > canvasSize)
                        newTop = canvasSize - draggedBorder.ActualWidth;

                    if (newLeft < 0)
                        newLeft = 0;
                    else if (newLeft + draggedBorder.ActualWidth > canvasSize)
                        newLeft = canvasSize - draggedBorder.ActualWidth;

                    Canvas.SetLeft(draggedBorder, newLeft);
                    Canvas.SetTop(draggedBorder, newTop);

I had the problem months ago and solved it in the code behind with these additions.

After the InitializeComponent in the WindowMain.xaml.cs add:

    public WindowMain()

    // your code, etc.

    scrollViewer.AllowDrop = true;
    scrollViewer.PreviewDragEnter += scrollViewer_PreviewDragEnter;
    scrollViewer.PreviewDragOver += scrollViewer_PreviewDragOver;
    scrollViewer.Drop += scrollViewer_Drop;

void scrollViewer_PreviewDragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
    if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
        e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Copy;
        e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;

void scrollViewer_PreviewDragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;

bool IsDataAvailable = false;
void scrollViewer_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
    // Get data object
    var dataObject = e.Data as DataObject;

    // Check for file list
    if (dataObject.ContainsFileDropList())
        // Process file names
        StringCollection fileNames = dataObject.GetFileDropList();
        bool isIsDataAvailable = false;
            var uri = new Uri(fileNames[0]);
            BitmapSource imageSource = new BitmapImage(uri);
            isIsDataAvailable = true;
        catch (Exception error)
            string errorMessage = error.ToString();
            IsDataAvailable = isIsDataAvailable;

My program just loads a dropped file from the explorer file list I drop on the ScrollViewer . The scbb.AllowDrop=true in the ScrollViewer has to be set. And the routines to handle basic drag and drop. Your code should work once the ScrollViewer allows dropping.

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