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What to pass command line argument in running exe. having multiple instance running with same exe name

I am making a window service which will trigger at specific time to start/run an .exe. There are many instance running depend on trigger event Example **

1. Trigger A fire at morning and start/run controller.EXE
2. Trigger B fire at Afternoon and start/run controller.EXE


I have used below

                Process A = new Process();
                A.StartInfo.FileName = @"Controller.exe"; 
                A.StartInfo.Arguments = strXML+" "+strEndDate;

                Process B = new Process();
                B.StartInfo.FileName = @"Controller.exe"; 
                B.StartInfo.Arguments = strXML+" "+strEndDate;

Now A and B both are running. I want to pass command line argument to process A while it is running

How can I achieve that. Is that possible with multiple exe having same name(controller.EXE)? 在此处输入图片说明

Answer to this question:

Is that possible with multiple exe having same name(controller.EXE)

Yes, sure. Look at Windows Task Manager in Process tab and you will see a lot of processes running with the same name. For instance, every tab in Chrome browser is running in its own process

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About this

What to pass command line argument in running exe

You can pass any parameters you need or nothing. It depends on your application logic.

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