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HTML input accept only numbers and email


<input id="input" type="text" />
<input id="input" type="number" />
<input id="input" type="email" />

Check this info out on w3schools

... I see you want the same input, so you would stick with text then check the input using regex


then whatever regex you need to validate your number


You can run a simple regex against the phone number and the email. That will most likely not catch all issues but it will give you a starting point.

Pseudo code:

//if input is phone
  // do something
// else if input is email
  // do something else
// else (when it is neither)
  // throw an error

or you can even shorten this

// if input is phone or input is email 
  // do something
  //trow error

You can find a ton of regex solutions in the library at regex101.com. There is a whole bunch of email and phone number validators.

One that is supposed to check both (and I didn't look to deeply into the regex) is: \\(^\\+[0-9]{9,15}$)|(^.+@.+\\..+$)\\i

This should be true if the input string is a phone or email. However, like I said above, it most likely needs refinement.

As mentioned above in the comments, this should work if you want to accept both 8-digit phone numbers and email addresses:

HTML form code:

<form onsubmit="return validateInput()">
  <input type="text" name"mail_or_phone"/>

JS validation:

function validateInput()
  var fieldValue= document.getElementById("mail_or_phone").value;

  // taken from this SO post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7126345/regular-expression-to-require-10-digits-without-considering-spaces      
  var phoneValidation= /^([\s\(\)\-]*\d[\s\(\)\-]*){8}$/; 
  var mailValidation= /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;

  if (fieldValue.match(phoneValidation)) {
    // correct phone structure
    return true;
  } else if (fieldValue.match(mailValidation)) {
    // correct mail format
    return true;
  } else {
    // incorrect structure
    return false;

Here's a fiddle showing an example of the above code. In case of an incorrect answer you should show some kind of warning (not included in the code).

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