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Generate a TXT file from variables with a PHP file : can't add new lines?

I wrote a small code in PHP in order to parse variables. I would like each time this code is called, a new line is added in the TXT file.

Each line will contain a time stamp , ie : 09:30 and a temperature value Once the TXT file is filled-in i would like to generate a Google Chart.

Time Stamps are going to be Abcisses (X) and corresponding temp value will be Y

So far, a new line is NOT created in the TXT file. Would you please help me to find out why ?

  <? $File = 'live_datas.txt'; # GRAB THE VARIABLES FROM THE URL $HeuresTronconMesure = $_GET['hour']; $MinutesTronconMesure = $_GET['min']; $DonneeCapteur = $_GET['data']; # -------------------------------- $FICHIER = fopen($File, "w"); # Generate Timestamp : HH:MM fputs($FICHIER, $HeuresTronconMesure); fputs($FICHIER , ":"); fputs($FICHIER, $MinutesTronconMesure); # Add 1 space fputs($FICHIER , " "); # Add Temperature Value fputs($FICHIER, $DonneeCapteur); # Add a new line fputs ($FICHIER , "\\r\\n"); # Close the file fclose($FICHIER); ?> 

At the end, i expect to get "live_datas.txt" with something like :

 04:50 25.29 05:00 24.30 07:30 25.20 08:45 26.00 10:15 27.50 

You have to open your file in append mode:

$FICHIER = fopen($File, "a");

What manual says about both modes:

"w" (Write only. Opens and clears the contents of file; or creates a new file if it doesn't exist)

"a" (Write only. Opens and writes to the end of the file or creates a new file if it doesn't exist)

//call function
writeData($_GET['hour'], $_GET['min'], $_GET['data']);

//function definition
function writeData($hour, $min, $temperature) {
  $path = 'live_datas.txt';
  $line = "{$hour}:{$min} {$temperature}\r\n";
  if (file_exists($path)) {
    file_put_contents($path, $line, FILE_APPEND);
  else {
    file_put_contents($path, $line);

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