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How to list all deprecated classes to a file?

I'm aware that Intellij can scan for this - and there seems to be an ancient project called Scannotation . Neither of these seems to do what I want.

I want to list the full package names of classes in my codebase that are marked @Deprecated .

My question is: How to list all deprecated classes to a file?

You can use Structural Search .

CTRL + SHIFT + A --> Search Structurally

Use this to find all deprecated classes:

class $class$ {

On a unix/linux system you could use find . -name *.java -regex "@Deprecated" find . -name *.java -regex "@Deprecated"

This would give a list of files with absolute paths that could be changed to package notation with sed or any other text editor.

On Windows you might consider installing git which brings a bash where you can run this command.

This is what you can use:

    package util;

    import io.github.lukehutch.fastclasspathscanner.FastClasspathScanner;
    import io.github.lukehutch.fastclasspathscanner.matchprocessor.ClassAnnotationMatchProcessor;

    public class AnnotationScanTest {

        public static void main(String args[]) throws ClassNotFoundException {

            new FastClasspathScanner("com")
                    // Optional, in case you want to debug any issues with scanning.
                    // Add this right after the constructor to maximize the amount of log info.
                    // Add a MatchProcessor ("Mechanism 1")
                    .matchClassesWithAnnotation(Deprecated.class, new ClassAnnotationMatchProcessor() {
                        public void processMatch(Class<?> matchingClass) {
                            System.out.println("Matching annotation: " + matchingClass);
                    // Actually perform the scan (nothing will happen without this call)


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