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Add Numbers from Each Line Break in Textarea with Javascript

I have the following in a textarea:


I need to remove the characters before the "|"on each line and get the sum of the all the numbers

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Another solution :

 function myFunction() { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = document.getElementById("myTextarea").value.split("link|").map(Number).reduce(function(a, b){return a+b; }); }
 Calculate:<br> <textarea id="myTextarea"> link|10000 link|25000 link|58932</textarea> <p>Click the button to calculate.</p> <button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Calculate it</button> <p id="demo"></p>

A short solution:

// Gets textarea content
var myTextareaText = document.getElementById('my-textarea-id').value;

// Uses array functions to simplify the process
let sum = myTextareaText.split('\n').map(x=>x.split('|')[1] * 1).reduce((a,b)=>a+b);

// Logs de result

What was done:

1) Break by line breaks : myTextareaText.split('\\n')
2) Foreach line, break by "|", gets the second item and convert it to number: map(x=>x.split('|')[1] * 1)
3) Sum each element: reduce((a,b)=>a+b)

Get all numbers from the value using String#match method and calculate the sum using Array#reduce method.

 var ele = document.getElementById('text'); // get the text area value var res = ele.value // get all digits combinations , if you want decimal number then use /\\d+(\\.\\d+)?/g .match(/\\d+/g) // iterate and calculate the sum .reduce(function(sum, v) { // parse the number and add it with previous value return sum + Number(v); // set initial value as 0 }, 0); console.log(res);
 <textarea id="text">link|10000 link|25000 link|58932 </textarea>

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