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Python, tkinter: How to change color of button on press?

Ok, so I have this code that generates a grid of buttons:

def click():


def game(width,height):

    global squares
    squares = []

    global y

    for x in range(width):

        squares.append([0] * height)

        for y in range(height):

            squares[-1][y] = Button(gameWindow,command=click)
            squares[-1][y].grid(column = x, row = (y + 1), sticky =(N+S+E+W))

    for x in range(width):

        Grid.columnconfigure(gameWindow, x, weight = 1)

    for y in range(height):

        Grid.rowconfigure(gameWindow, (y + 1), weight = 1)



I can configure a specific button (1,1) by doing this:


But when I try to configure a button when it is used, it changes the button in the bottom right.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

You have loop

for y in range(height):

so after this loop y is equal height-1 .

When you click button then it uses squares[-1][y] but y = height-1 so you use always squares[-1][height-1]

You have to assing to button function with argument - button number - using lambda .
But if you use lambda inside for then you can't do directly lambda:click(y)
but you need lambda arg=y:click(arg)

 Button(gameWindow, command=lambda arg=y:click(arg))

And function has to get this argument and use it

 def click(arg): 

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