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Ext JS - Focus on a textfield does not work with render listener in IE

I currently have an issue with Internet Explorer where when rendering a textfield on a page, focusing on that element does not work as it should.

In Chrome, when I focus on that text field and enter a shortcut to search (F2) it searches the grid. However this functionality does not work in IE. Could anyone suggest a reason why or an alternative way that will work in all browsers? I cannot use the KeyMap component as it causes glitch issues with our screen.

The code I am using for the shortcut is below:

    xtype : textField,
    fieldLabel : 'Name',
    id : 'customerNameSearch',
    name : 'customerNameSearch',
    listeners : {
       render: function (field) {
          field.el.dom.onkeydown = function (event) {
          if(event.code == "F2") {

The above code triggers searches in the grid in Chrome, but for some reason not IE.

You could use ExtJS to listen for the keydown event and test for the F2 key in the event handler using e.getKey() or e.getKeyName() . The listener would look like:

keydown: function (item, e) {
            if (e.getKey() === e.self.F2)

This should work in all browsers supported by ExtJS including IE. Remember to set enableKeyEvents: true on the textfield.

Here is a fiddle that works in Chrome and IE11.

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