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Install Package in Python

I'm trying to install bayespy on enthought canopy and have read through all the documentation and cannot figure it out. I import pip and then run the following code (I have tried many variations on this too) :

pip install <bayespy>

It keeps coming back with an error message. Do I need to specify the file path to bayespy possibly?

Thanks in advance, Max

Edit :

pip install <bayespy>
  File "<ipython-input-2-bb1febf67aaf>", line 1
   pip install <bayespy>
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The most basic usage of "pip" is as a command-line tool. Try this from the command prompt (NOT within a Python shell):

pip install bayespy

or perhaps

sudo pip install bayespy

First: BayesPy requires Python 3. Try This:

yourMachine> sudo pip3 install bayespy

Not this at python prompt: >>> sudo pip3 install bayespy

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