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Prevent SQL injection in php from variable array

I'm trying to make code insert data into MYSQL from arrays
my problem is, it's not protected against SQL Injection.
I searched at every where ,How can i prevent it compeletly.
I looked for this question
How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?
but i found two answers make me rethinking again.

Every answer here covers only part of the problem.
In fact, there are four different query parts which we can add to it dynamically a string a number an identifier a syntax keyword.and prepared statements covers only 2 of them


I looked around for something will help me and this what i found

But nothing helped me to prevent it completely from my code.

I'm using this code to insert array data to MYSQL.
It's prevent it by using base64 .

$tbname = "some_table";
$array1 = array("one"=>"1a","two"=>"2b");
$S1["add1"] = " (";
$S1["add2"] = " VALUES (";
foreach($array1 as $k1=>$n1){
if($n1 !== ""){
$S1["add1"] .= $k1 . ", ";
$S1["add2"] .= "'" . base64_encode($n1) . "', ";
$S1["add1"] = substr($S1["add1"],0,-2);
$S1["add1"] .= ")";
//if($S1["add1"] == ")"){$_SESSION["sql_msg"] = "You have to put at least one input";} else {
$S1["add2"] = substr($S1["add2"],0,-2);
$S1["add2"] .= ")";
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $tbname . $S1["add1"] . $S1["add2"];
//if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {$_SESSION["sql_msg"] = "New record created successfully";
//} else {$_SESSION["sql_msg"] = "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;};}

echo $sql;

Based on my article (which is more focused on disclosing bad and wrong practices), An SQL injection against which prepared statements won't help

The protection from SQL injection is actually simple, and can be formulated in just two statements:

  • use placeholders for the every data value
  • whitelist everything else

Given all that, you should

  1. whitelist your table and field names
  2. create a query consists placeholders and filtered out table and field names
  3. send your variable array into execute.

For this purpose first define an array with all the allowed field names

$allowed = ["one","two"];

Then out of this array you will need to to create a SET statement for the INSERT query that should look like

one = :one, two = two:

For this you need a code like this

$allowed = ["one","two"];
$params = [];
$setStr = "";
foreach ($allowed as $key)
    if (isset($array1[$key]))
        $setStr .= "`".str_replace("`", "``", $key)."` = :".$key.",";
        $params[$key] = $_POST[$key];
$setStr = rtrim($setStr, ",");

Note that we are also getting data values into distinct array

Finally, get your query from parts (given a table name is already hardcoded in you script) and then prepare and execute it using array with values

$tbname = "some_table";
$sql = "UPDATE `$tbname` SET $setStr";

I guess the best way is by using
$sql = str_getcsv($sql,";")["0"];
before the execution to prevent any extra commands

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