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How to check if all tuples have a specific value in a python list

I am a newbie to python and I am struggling to find a better way for a problem.

I have a list like below:

 [(1048, u'3', u'1', ), (1048, u'03', u'00','Deleted' ), (1048, u'4', u'0', 'Deleted')]

In each tuple, the last attributed could be 'deleted' or 'None'. I need to check if all tuples have 'deleted' at last place.

How to do that.

I tried to do list comprehension ( https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#list-comprehensions )

object_with_specific_attribute = [dataObj for dataObj in data if "Deleted" in dataObj[3]]

but it does not seem to be working in case of null data.

Can anybody please help?

Thanks in advance.

all(len(tup) == 3 or tup[-1] in [None, "Deleted"] for tup in data)


all(item[-1] == "Deleted" for item in items)

This should return True if they all contain "Deleted"

Also all your tuples need to have at least 4 elements. If not, you will get an index error

EDIT: As it stands in the comments it is better to go with item[-1] as you stated: "last element"


object_with_specific_attribute = [tup for tup in data if tup[-1] == 'Deleted']

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