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How to get the number of elements in XPath

I have started with Schematron and XPath. In Schematron document I to provide context for validating m business rule so I am providing section/body/p. As I have provided p tag in context then How can I query to count total no of p tags? This is the XML file

            <t>Document Body</t>
            <t>Document Body</t>
            <t>Document Body</t>

And this is how I am querying

 <sch:pattern name="ELEMENT_LIMIT">
    <sch:rule context="section/body/p" >
        <sch:assert test="count(.//following-sibling::p) &lt;=2">more than 1 sibling</sch:assert>

but this is not working.

This reports, if a <p> element has less than 2 following-sibling <p> elements.

<sch:pattern id="too-many-following-siblings">
    <sch:rule context="p">
        <sch:report test="count(following-sibling::p) lt 2">
            Less than 2 following-sibling &lt;p&gt; elements.

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