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Python, Kivy, "AssertionError: None is not callable" Error on function call by button

So I whant to use this code to call a function on a button press:


But to keep it simple, I only need to solve this problem:

#My Function
def teste_(nome):
    print nome
# Button is inside a Class MYApp

and it gives the error: AssertionError: None is not callable

Ive tryied everything I tough off and can't solve this... Thank you

When you write teste_('Ola') the function runs and returns None

So when you write


It actually gets set to:


Which in short is causing your problem.

In order to get it to call teste_('Ola') When the button is pressed, you could use a lambda function:

botao_ok.bind(on_press=lambda x:teste_('Ola'))

In case your function call doesn't require any arguments, you can write the name of the function without parentheses or a lambda:


this works because python considers functions as first-class values, just like a string, an integer or a float.

(this answer is here for the people that have a similar problem and want cleaner code, the correct answer in this exact situation is what Vincent described above)

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