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Problems in connecting with SQL Server using node js?

I am trying to connect to a remote sql server database which is hosted in a remote server using node js. Now, I tried to connect to the same database using c# and everything works perfect but I tried the same thing with Node and I keep getting error logs. I am unable to understand if the problem is at my end or is it the problem with the server.

var sql = require('mssql');

var config = {
    userName: 'realm',
    password: 'friend',
    server: '',

    options: {

        database: 'ElmaTest',
        instancename: 'SQL2014'

var updateMember = function( username, password) {
    return sql.execute( {
        procedure: "updateMember",
        params: {

            firstName: {
                type: sql.NVARCHAR,
                val: username
            lastName: {
                type: sql.NVARCHAR,
                val: password
    } );

function  connecttoDb() {

  //  updateMember("elma","pass1234");
    sql.connect(config, function (err) {

        if (err) console.log("message" + err);



module.exports.datavalue = connecttoDb();

Error logs:- Example app listening at http://:::8081 messageConnectionError: Failed to connect to - connect ECONNREF USED

The thing is that the same connection string works with c# but refuses to work with Node js.

C# connection string:

<add name="ElmaReport" connectionString="Data Source=\SQL2014;Initial Catalog=ElmaTest;User ID=realm;password=friend" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

The solution is to enable TCP connections, because these connections are disabled by default.

1)Open Sql Server Configuration Manager .

2)Expand Sql Server Network Configuration .

3)Click Protocols for MSSQL .

4)Change TCP/IP to enabled .


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