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Object not found within array even though it is

I have 2 object arrays ( allUsers and friendsOnTrip ). Both these arrays are of the same format. Each object within them contains details of a user (ie firstName and lastName ). I am trying to make it that if an object in one array is not in the other one, then push that object to a new array, otherwise don't.

allUsers.forEach((user) => {
    if (friendsOnTrip.indexOf(user) <= -1) {

The problem is that even if the object user seems like it is in friendsOnTrip , then the expression of:

if (friendsOnTrip.indexOf(user) <= -1)

...will still evaluate to true (which is wrong) so I end up with objects within this._friendsNotOnTrip that shouldn't be there.

An example of one of the objects:

    email: "foo@bar.com",
    firstName: "foo",
    lastName: "bar",
    key: "123456789",
    friends: [
    location: {
        lng: -1.24567,
        lat: 50.9865
    usersToSeeLocation: [

The object at position 0 in allUsers and the object at position 0 in friendsOnTrip are the same object. I tested the individual attributes and got the following results:

console.log(allUsers[0].firstName === friendsOnTrip[0].firstName);                   //true
console.log(allUsers[0].lastName === friendsOnTrip[0].lastName);                     //true
console.log(allUsers[0].email === friendsOnTrip[0].email);                           //true
console.log(allUsers[0].friends === friendsOnTrip[0].friends);                       //false
console.log(allUsers[0].key === friendsOnTrip[0].key);                               //true
console.log(allUsers[0].location === friendsOnTrip[0].location);                     //false
console.log(allUsers[0].usersToSeeLocation === friendsOnTrip[0].usersToSeeLocation); //false

console.log(allUsers[0] === friendsOnTrip[0]);                                       //false

Looking inside friends , usersToSeeLocation , and location in both allUsers[0] and friendsOnTrip[0] , the contents are the exact same so I am unsure as to why those expressions are evaluating to false .

You can't compare objects like this. For example

[{a: 1, b:2}].indexOf({a: 1, b:2})

returns -1. Instead you should search for a specific property, something like

allUsers.forEach((user) => {
    if (friendsOnTrip.map(u => u.key).indexOf(user.key) <= -1) {

"Looking inside friends, usersToSeeLocation, and location in both allUsers[0] and friendsOnTrip[0], the contents are the exact same so I am unsure as to why those expressions are evaluating to false."

that's because they are not the same. The have the same value BUT they are not the same object! that's why your "===" returns false You have to compare all indexes one by one

you can do array1.join() === array2.join() to do your comparition faster

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