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Sort 2D list based on how I sort another 2D list rows with Python

I have a 2D list having many elements and row of different length. Let's call it ListA. I order listA like this:


I have another 2D list ( listB ) which I would like to sort like A is sorted. If row 3 of A becomes the first row, the third row of B must go first and so on.

How can I do?

I don't want to use numpy.

EDIT: I try to be more clear:

Suppose a matrix A made like this (The original matrix is a lot bigger)

A = [

        [79,71,105,1,1],  [79,71,106,1,1],  [80,72,105,0,2]

        [86,81,27,1,1],   [85,80,25,1,0]

        [99,80,73,1,1],  [99,81,73,2,1]


this matrix has 4 rows with different length (1, 3, 2, 2). Actually each length contains the coordinates and other values of my analysis. I want to order A so that first I have the shortest row and at the end the longest one. In this case (1, 2, 2, 3)

Now I also have another matrix B which has the same number of rows as A but might have different length compared to A.

B = [
        [9,81,74],  [13,67,43],  [4,15,88]

I want to sort the rows of B to correspond the sorted rows in A.

This is how i would go about doing it:

a = ['easd', 'sdvgweag', '21x', 'npasp oopp agt']
b = [42, 7642, 2146, 12]

temp = list(zip(a, range(len(a))))
temp.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[0]))
print(a)  # ['21x', 'easd', 'sdvgweag', 'npasp oopp agt']
print([b[i] for i in [x[1] for x in temp]])  # [2146, 42, 7642, 12]

The idea behind this is to add some mechanism of tracking the changes in list a . This is what zip() does.

With the updated question your problem is much clear now.

You can use a similar logic to my previous answer.

A=[[[86,98,98,0,0]],[[79,71,105,1,1],[79,71,106,1,1],[80,72,105,0,2]], [[86,81,27,1,1],[85,80,25,1,0]], [[99,80,73,1,1],[99,81,73,2,1]]]


#check the length of each row and pair it into a new array
tempA =  [] # array
for index in range(len(A)):
    itemLength = len(A[index])
    tempA.append([itemLength,index, A[index]])

tempB =  {} #dict
for index in range(len(B)):
    tempB[index] = B[index]

# sort tempA according to row length
B = []
A = []
for item in tempA:
    indexBeforeSorting  = item[1]
    A.append( item[2])

This works perfectly

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