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Chrome not updating cache (javascript files)

For like the last 5-6 years I have designed all my web projects so all front-end resources like javascript files are fetched as little as possible from the server

So I have used expires headers on the webserver with 1 year expire. On the front-end I have added the version in the query string like this

<script src="my_js_file.js?v=323"></script>

But recently I have experienced that Goole Chrome has become more strict about it, so you have to clear the browser cache to update your javascript files if you don't change the version in the query string like ?v=4939 . But sometimes it looks like it doesn't always update the cache anymore even if the version is added by one

Is this a bug in chrome or a new "feature" to make the internet "faster"? If it is, this is a shit feature which doesn't let you control your versions of a website anymore


This is not a problem for me while developing the site but for the users of the website.. The cache is not updated when a new version is released

Since some browsers doesn't acknowledge changing query string as a new file, do like this instead

<script src="my_js_file.3.2.3.js"></script>


Google suggest : you do this by embedding a fingerprint of the file, or a version number, in its filename —for example, style.x234dff.css.

Here are a couple of posts that might be useful, with some more explanations/sample/guides:

Chrome has indeed been caching more aggressively in recent versions.

With devtools open, refreshing works as it used to (a few times to clear). Chrome seems to remember everything with devtools closed.

For testing/debugging purposes, CTRL+F5 forces a "hard refresh" which clears the cache. For your users' sake, you'll need to change the version number as @LGSon says, but that's a huge pain for debugging.

In absence of either an official confirmation or a reproducible example proving the opposite, I'd assume what is already stated in a comment here above

If you're changing the query string, it's a different url - the browser cannot cache a url it has not yet been to

So I'd look for another root cause. Now, notice what the OP is saying:

It's not a problem for me but for the users of the website

That matches with my experience of this issue: actually it is a deploy issue. That can happen if:

  1. the page with the fake parameter (version number, hash, etc..) is moved to production first, while the new version of the .js script is delayed (for a few minutes)
  2. in the meantime some users browse the web page, so their browsers cache the new version number in the paramenter, still pointing to the old .js script
  3. when the new .js is finally overwritten in production, it is too late because those user browsers have already memoized the new call.

The solution is to ensure that the new .js is deployed to production before the updated version of the page that is calling it.

Btw, notice - as pointed out in the answer of @LGSon and in other comments like this one - that a query parameter could cause a cache miss , but this is the opposite problem, not the one described in the question, namely of stale data in cache.

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