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Avoid Chrome saving .txt and .php files to cache

I am developing a web page (2075.mooo.com, (it is in Catalan)) where teachers control students' arrivals with an NFC card in an Arduino.

The thing is that I save students' data on.txt files, but Chrome saves those to its cache, and I have to constantly remove the cache files. Is there a way to not let Chrome do that or use another strategy instead of.txt files? Because I cannot say to all teachers and students to remove their chrome cache.


If using Apache:

Add this to a .htaccess file created in the directory you save the.txt files:

Header always set Pragma "no-cache"
Header always set Cache-Control "no-store, must-revalidate"
Header always set Expires "0"


If you have access to httpd.conf, you can add the following to it:

<LocationMatch ".*\.txt">
     Header always set Pragma "no-cache"
     Header always set Cache-Control "no-store, must-revalidate"
     Header always set Expires "0"

They must clear the cache that they already have in their browser.

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