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Activity start too long

Hello I have a problem with opening Activity .

I'm calling startActivity() with Intent by clicking Button .

I need to wait 4-5 seconds before Activity shows up on the screen.

I know how to do.

itemimg = new ItemsInPacagesImageView(imglist1, this, nazovtripu, 0);

I have 17 times similar code (with other ImageView s) I have this in Method with name InitItemimg();

I tried put this method on OnStart activity with this thread

public void onStart() {

    timer = new Thread() { // new thread
        public void run() {
            Boolean b = true;
            try {

                        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            } finally {


But is no resolve my problem, please do you have some ideas? Thanks

excuse me, I figured so in this method ( ItemsInPacagesImageView(imglist1, this, nazovtripu, 0); ) on start id deserialization if is some deserialization in row is "fast" but if it's more in row (now 17) with deserialization program spend more time some seconds.

I resolve this problem with put explicit, class which i deserialization in method.

Now i deserialization once instead 17 times. and I safe more miliscond-seconds.

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