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Determining Hosting Environment While Configuring Kestrel and UseHttps

In the ASP.NET Core Main method below, how can I determine the hosting environment, so I can switch between different certificate files for HTTPS?

public sealed class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        new WebHostBuilder()
                options =>
                    if ([Development Hosting Environment])


I raised the following GitHub issue .

It turns out you can use ConfigureServices to get hold of IHostingEnvironment like so:

public sealed class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment = null;
        new WebHostBuilder()
                services =>
                    hostingEnvironment = services
                        .Where(x => x.ServiceType == typeof(IHostingEnvironment))
                        .Select(x => (IHostingEnvironment)x.ImplementationInstance)
                options =>
                    if (hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
                        // Use a self-signed certificate to enable 'dotnet run' to work in development.
                        options.UseHttps("DevelopmentCertificate.pfx", "password");

I've tried this and it did seem to work, but you might wan't to double check...

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()

        var pfx = config["ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT"].Equals("Development", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
            ? "DevelopmentCertificate.pfx"
            : "ProductionCertificate.pfx";

        var host = new WebHostBuilder()
            .UseKestrel(options =>


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