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Virtual Box port forwarding misery with Ruby Sinatra:4567 / Shotgun:9292

I've got a VirtualBox CentOS 7.0 Guest OS on a Windows Ten Host for the purposes of development, and the port forwarding simply isn't working.

I have a NAT'd network adapter (I can't use Bridged Adapters on this network) and to be fair I am much more comfortable with Bridged Adapters. But everything else works swimmingly. Except the ports 4567 and 9292 will not forward, while port 22 and port 80 work fine.

I have

  • Added port forwarding on the client for the ports 22 , 80 , 4567 , 9292 in VirtualBox on the NAT'd adapter.
  • disabled the firewalld on CentOS 7.0 completely (and restarted) then ruled that out
  • all ports work fine on local host ie in the vm localhost:4567 is perfect as is localhost:9292
  • switched of SELINUX on guest (for good measure)
  • restarted the whole VM on host systematically every time I did a network->portforward alteration
  • tried / in a vain attempt to get purchase

all the time I am ssh'd in on port 22 and port 80 works fine

Is this a traffic issue or a firewall issue, is there some sort of network filtering on the VirtualBox interface that's hidden from me?

I'd love some help.

NB: THE CAUSE IS SHOTGUN/RUBY NOT VirtualBox nor Firewalls nor port forwarding

@Matt fixed this... his link in the comments is correct, the fix to this is one of two things: (it's actually shotgun running ruby in development mode that causes it)


  • RUBY running in default set :bind, 'localhost' development mode. (link)


  • RUBY runs with options set :bind, '' (can also be in the config.ru)

Good news is if you're looking to make localhost:4567 work this is your ticket, add the line set :bind, '' to your config and you're good to go


Bad news is if you're looking to make localhost:9292 work shotgun does it's own thing here:

  • in fact shotgun won't LOOK at those ruby configs, it'll adopt it's own boot strategy, so you have to MAKE shotgun run in --host= mode: EG:
  • # shotgun --server=thin --port=9292 --host= config.ru

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