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How to post User scripts to $window.open method in angularJS

I want to open - https://myUI:88/openURL/ (eg: On click of a button, it should redirect to this https://myUI:88/openURL , like it happens in payment gateway) and then, I have to pass the below user script to that:


How to achieve this in AJS 1.x?

getRealData is a public method in https://myUI:88/openURL web app

You can pass data between parent window and child window by using the window.postMessage() API.

In Parent js file :

var childWindow = window.open(childurl);// opens a new window and puts the reference to it in childWindow variable.

childWindow.postMessage(YourMessageJson);//the json should be stringified before sending

In child's js file :

window.addEventListener('message', receivedMessage);//attach event listener to get the event sent by postMessage from your parent.

function receivedMessage(data){ //callback function executed on receiving the message
  xhr.open(url) //The http call that you wanted to make from this page (I have just put a dummy xhr call, replace it according to your use case)


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