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Debug Assertion Failed, vector subscript out of range

my program should implement a threadsafe stack in c++ I get an error when I want to start the programm:

Debug assertion Failed! ...\\vector Line 1201

Expression: vector subscript out of range

I absolutely don't know what's wrong with the code

#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>

#define NUM_ELEMENTS 10

using namespace std;

class Stack
    vector<int> stack;
    int topOfStack;    
    int maxSize;
    mutable mutex _mutex;
    mutable condition_variable cv;

    Stack(int size);
    int top() const; 
    int pop(); 
    void push(int element); 

    bool isFull() const;  
    bool isEmpty() const; 

Stack::Stack(int size)
    maxSize = size;      
    topOfStack = 0;

int Stack::top() const
    unique_lock<mutex> lck(_mutex);     
    // sperren, solange kein Wert da ist
    while (isEmpty())

    int val = stack[topOfStack - 1];

    return val;

int Stack::pop()
    // Kritischer Bereich - sperren
    unique_lock<mutex> lck(_mutex);

    // sperren, solange kein Wert am Stack ist
    while (isEmpty())

    // Wert zwischenspeichern und Stack-Pointer -1
    // danach werden wartende Threads benachrichtigt
    int val = stack[topOfStack];

    return val;
void Stack::push(int element)
    // Kritischer Bereich - sperren
    unique_lock<mutex> lck(_mutex);

    // sperren, solange der Stack voll ist
    while (isFull())

    // Wert speichern und Stack-Pointer +1
    // danach werden wartende Threads benachrichtigt
    stack[topOfStack] = element;
bool Stack::isEmpty() const
    return topOfStack == 0;
bool Stack::isFull() const
    return topOfStack == maxSize;

class Producer
    shared_ptr<Stack> stack;

    Producer(shared_ptr<Stack> stack);

    void produce(size_t amount);

class Consumer
    shared_ptr<Stack> stack;

    Consumer(shared_ptr<Stack> stack);

    void consume(size_t amount);

Producer::Producer(shared_ptr<Stack> stack)
    : stack(stack)
void Producer::produce(size_t amount)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < amount; i++)
        cout << "Produce: " << i << endl;

Consumer::Consumer(shared_ptr<Stack> stack)
    : stack(stack)
void Consumer::consume(size_t amount)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < amount; i++)
        cout << "Consume: " << stack->pop() << endl;

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

int main()
    shared_ptr<Stack> stack(new Stack(3));

    Producer producer(stack);
    Consumer consumer(stack);

    thread consumerThread(&Consumer::consume, &consumer, NUM_ELEMENTS);
    thread producerThread(&Producer::produce, &producer, NUM_ELEMENTS);


    return 0;

Your vector<int> stack member is created with size 0 and forever maintains that size 0 . I don't see any attempts to change its size in your code. No wonder any index access to stack produces undefined behavior, including this "out of range" error.

Hint: if you want to change the size of an std::vector , the corresponding method is called resize , not reserve . The latter changes the capacity , not the size of a vector.

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