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Backgroundworker for wpf C#

I need to execute two methods simultaneously, only after completion of this next thing should continue, the problem i have a UI which throws me error if use task (Its a WPF appliation).

Task Data= Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Readdetails());
Task Data2= Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ReadProcedure());


but i am getting Error(must-create-dependencysource-on-same-thread-as-dependencyobject).

something like this i need.

private void ReadProcedure()
            this.Pro = //some stuff;

private void ReadProcedure2()
            this.Pro2 = //some stuff;

if(this.pro!=null && this.pro2!=null)
//other things to carry out.

I tried using Dispacter but it seems it's still not working.

To wait for multiple task, you can your Task.WaitAll .


To update on UI, you can use synchronizationcontext .

Task UITask= Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
     if(this.pro!=null && this.pro2!=null)
      //other things to carry out.
    }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

You can combine above two, using TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll .

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