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How to write multiple queries in stored procedure

What I'm trying to do is when user roles changed to 1 or from 1 then delete all his entries from ForumManager table which IsDirect value is 0 or if its value changes to 1 then I need to insert person's entry to ForumManager table for all ForumID.

But for inserting it I have to run 1 more queries to get ForumID and insert in ForumManager with loop.

What I try till now is incomplete and maybe not correct or right way I don't know how to run loop inside stored procedure.

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CREATE PROCEDURE update_forum_admin (IN user_id INT, IN previous_role INT,IN new_role INT)
if(previous_role == 1)
    DELETE ForumManager WHERE UserID=user_id AND IsDirect=0
elseif(new_role == 1) 
    SELECT ForumID FROM Forum
    INSERT ForumManager (ForumID,UserID,IsDirect) VALUES (forum_id,user_id,0)
delimiter ;

If you have a column name user_id in Forum table than rename the parameter from user_id to userId.

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 CREATE PROCEDURE update_forum_admin (IN userId INT, IN previous_role INT,IN  new_role INT)
if(previous_role == 1)
   DELETE ForumManager WHERE UserID=userId AND IsDirect=0
elseif(new_role == 1) 

   INSERT ForumManager (ForumID, UserID, IsDirect)  
   SELECT ForumID, userId, 0 FROM Forum group by ForumID, userId, 0
delimiter ;

You can declare a coursor with ID_forum and iterate it inside an elseif statement like below(is a pseudo code, if you have e problem to implement it let me know):

      CREATE PROCEDURE update_forum_admin (IN user_id INT, IN previous_role  INT,IN     new_role INT)
           SELECT ForumID FROM Forum;

    if(previous_role == 1)
        DELETE ForumManager WHERE UserID=user_id AND IsDirect=0
    elseif(new_role == 1) 
            INSERT ForumManager (ForumID,UserID,IsDirect) VALUES    (REC_ID_FORUM,user_id,0)
          END LOOP;   
    END update_forum_admin  ;

its quiet late but Mohit you can get rid of syntax error by modifying code like

CREATE PROCEDURE update_forum_admin (IN user_id INT, IN previous_role INT,IN new_role INT)
if(previous_role = 1)
    DELETE ForumManager WHERE UserID=user_id AND IsDirect=0
if(new_role = 1) 
    SELECT ForumID FROM Forum
    INSERT ForumManager (ForumID,UserID,IsDirect) VALUES (forum_id,user_id,0)

Also I Can see when you delete a user from ForumManager you do not delete for particular Forum. May be you have only one Forum and if that is the case then take top 1 Forum Id from Forum table

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