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JAX-RS retrieve Entity parameter from post Response java

I am trying to retrieve entities from body response of a POST request

    Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(new ClientConfig());
    Response response = client.target(url)
            .post(Entity.entity(form,MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Response.class);
    Log.trackingResponse(url, response);`

request is 200 OK, parameters I want to retrieve exist, I can see them while debugging:


My problem is I can not access these parameters.

I tried the following solution but it was not successful:

Map<String, Object> jsonResponse = clientResponse.readEntity(Map.class);


Order order = response.readEntity(Order.class); 

Order being a custom class with Jacksonannotation, MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException

 String jsonResponse = clientResponse.readEntity(String.class);

returns < ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC .... the whote html code, but not my parameters

My maven has the correc jackson depedency.

Any idea ? Thanks

These parameters are part of the request you sent, not the response. They are members of the form you sent in the request entity:

.post(Entity.entity(form,MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Response.class);

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