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SSL Cert. Not found EAP

My Scenario:

I have 2 different keystores(A.jks and B.jks) which are used for SSL connections to two different servers. These keystores work from the command line when doing "smoke-tests".

Using an EAP server, if the call to web-service A (Using A.jks) happens before web-service B(Using B.jks), then web-service A is successful and web-service B is unsuccessful - resulting with SSLHandshakeException . This error also happens when the order is reversed..ie. call to web-service B (Using B.jks) happens before web-service call A(Using A.jks), then web-service B is successful and web-service A is unsuccessful.

Question: What would cause the KeyStores loaded in the Server context to override each other?

Wildfly/ EAP does not play well with multiple TrustStores. Add the Certs. to one TrustStore and load that. This solution worked for me.

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