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Converting JSON file to data.frame in R

I have a file which contain event data(click data of users interaction with app) in JSON format, I need to convert it in data frame. I used this:

result <- fromJSON('events_data.json',nullValue = NA)
result <- do.call(rbind,lapply(result,data.frame,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

which generates this result

                  Length Class  Mode     
_id               1      -none- character
session           2      -none- list     
metrics           0      -none- list     
arrival_timestamp 1      -none- character
event_type        1      -none- character
event_timestamp   1      -none- character
event_version     1      -none- character
application       7      -none- list     
client            2      -none- character
device            4      -none- list     
attributes        3      -none- character

When I am trying to convert this list of list into data frame I get an error

Error in data.frame(locale = c("US", "en_US", "en"), platform = c("5.1.1",  : 
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 3, 2, 1

Here is the data file, click here (Just for reference). Can someone help me out. JSON file contain


I was able to download and read in your data just fine. Use the ndjson library. Check this out. Let me know if it gets you what you're looking for...


Good luck. Cheers, NF

I got my answer, actually I wasn't reading whole json file.


json_file <- "events_data.json"

con <- file(json_file, "r")
input <- readLines(con,-1L)

json_file2 <- ldply(lapply(input, function(x) t(unlist(fromJSON(x)))))

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