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VBScript Instr function always return 0

I have an application wrote by classic ASP. I need to compare if string1 contains string2 so I use instr function. However, even the string1 contains string2, it always returns 0. Where is the problem of my code?

function Findstring(string1,string2)
    dim findstr,loc

    on error resume next
    loc= instr(1,Lcase(string1),Lcase(string2),1)
    if loc>0  then

        findstr= false

    end if

  end function
Function FindString( string1, string2 )
    FindString = False 
    On Error Resume Next
    FindString = CBool( InStr(1, LCase(string1), LCase(string2), 1) > 0 )
End Function

This function will return True if string2 is contained inside string1 and False in any other case.

note : Why the CBool if the comparision operator > already generates a boolean? Because we can call the function passing a Null value. If any of the strings being compared is Null , the InStr function returns Null and the test Null > 0 evaluates to Null . But CBool( Null ) will generate an error, captured by the previous On Error (that will also handle problems with objects)

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