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Best way to run JUnit integration tests in production

I am a Java developer, not a QA engineer, so my question may seem trivial to some.

How do I run my integration tests post-deployment? In normal build and deployment process, all JUnit tests are executed prior to deployment. After deployment is done, testing (as I understand) should be done using other (black box) methods. But what if I want to periodically check my application using my nice suite of integration tests?

What would be a proper way to run IT tests against an existing deployment (including production)?

Many companies have two environments: production and UAT. The production environment is the live production site. UAT has the same build as production but can be used for testing, trying things out, and comparing if production has a problem.

Should you want to run JUnit tests on production (and like cjds i don't understand why you would), then UAT is the place to do it.

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