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Change JavaFX TableView Vertical ScrollBar value programmatically


Let's assume that we have a simple JavaFX TableView , and it has 50 items. I want to scroll vertically at 0.49 .

You can use the example from Oracle Tutorial ( https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/user-interface-tutorial/table-view.htm )

So i am using:

ScrollBar verticalBar = (ScrollBar) tableViewer.lookup(".scrollbar:vertical");

But it doesn't work....

I can't find a way to work around with this . The .scrollTo(...) -> link doesn't give that precision . I need the vertical bar to be exactly at ( 0.49 or 0.24 or ... )

It seems you have a typo, a scrollbar instead of scroll-bar . This is a correct line:

ScrollBar verticalBar = (ScrollBar) tableViewer.lookup(".scroll-bar:vertical");

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