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Inserting data in database MYSQL , data getting mixed

I have some troubles to insert data in the database , values get mixed between two rows. I did try to do an only while loop but even that doesn't work so im gonna put my code as it was at the start . Any advices or solution are welcome , it will be great. Here is the echo that i get on the two insert query after puting test in textareas for commentaries boxes:

Choix refer to radio button values and Commentara to values of commentaries boxes (textarea).

INSERT INTO questionnaire(Choix,Commentara) VALUES('test1','test1') 
INSERT INTO questionnaire(Choix,Commentara) VALUES('test2','test2') 
INSERT INTO questionnaire(Choix,Commentara) VALUES('test3','test3') 
INSERT INTO questionnaire(Choix,Commentara) VALUES('test4','test4')

PS: I'm using Navicat for MYSQL and I'm still new on PHP so please take your time to explain.

Best Regards AV

$un = 0;
$kv = 0 ;
$msgerror = "Veuillez remplir tous les champs ";    


    $id = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo4"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo4"] : "";
    $Nom = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo1"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo1"] : "";
    $Prenom = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo2"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo2"] : "";
    $Email = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo3"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo3"] : "";
    $RefClient = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo5"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo5"] : "";
    if ($id !="" && $Nom !="" && $Prenom !="" && $Email !="" && $RefClient !=""){

        $recherche= "SELECT Ref,Question,Choix,Commentara FROM questionnaire WHERE Qref ='$id'";


        $result= mysqli_query($link,$recherche);
        $num_results = $result->num_rows;
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

            $Ref =$row["Ref"];
            $Question       =$row["Question"];


            echo" <tr bgcolor=\"white\">

            <td>$Question  </td>
                3<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un\" value = \"3\">
                2<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un\" value = \"2\">
                1<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un\" value = \"1\">
                0<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un\"  value = \"0\">
                PA<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un\" value = \"PA\">
            <td width = \"60\"> <textarea name =\"$kv\" id =\"kv\" rows=\"5\" placeholder=\"Votre commentaire\"></textarea> </td> 


else {

    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('$msgerror')</script>";


$kv = 1;
$un = 1;
$i= 1 ;

if (isset($_POST["bouton11"]))   {

        $choix = $_POST["$un"];
        $comment = $_POST["$kv"];

        $enregistrer = "INSERT INTO questionnaire(Choix,Commentara)  VALUES('$choix','$comment') ";

        mysqli_query($link, $enregistrer); 

//Besoin d'un correctif

    //while(isset($_POST[$kv])) {
    //  $comment = $_POST["$kv"];

    //  $enregistrer2 = "INSERT INTO questionnaire(Commentara) VALUES('$comment')";
       // $kv++;

     // echo"$enregistrer2";

    //  mysqli_query($link, $enregistrer2);



Here is the form:

         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" charset="utf-8">
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         <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

         <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/footer-distributed-with-address-and-phones.css">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/tab.css">
         <link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cookie" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angular_material/1.1.0/angular-material.min.css">

         <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
         <script type="text/javascript" src="js/tab.js"></script>

         <style type="text/css">
           .footer {
              min-width: 100%;
              height: auto;
              text-align: center;
              background: rgb(0, 0, 0);
              position: fixed;
              bottom: 0%;
              margin-top: 50%;

           .wrapper {
              min-height: 100%;
              height: auto !important;
              height: 100%;
              margin: 0 auto -142px; /* the bottom margin is the negative value of the footer's height */



     <BODY bgcolor="#6495ED">
      <form method ="post" id="">

         <table class="center-table" border ="1" align="center" >

            <tr bgcolor="#b0bffc">   
               <td>Nom:</TD><TD><input type="text" class="form-control" name ="Picolo1" id="Picolo1" > </textarea></td><td><P>(Obligatoire*)</P></td>  

            <tr bgcolor="#b0bffc">
               <td>Prénom:</TD><TD><input type="text" class="form-control" name ="Picolo2" id="Picolo2"> </textarea></td><td><P>(Obligatoire*)</P></td>
            <tr bgcolor="#b0bffc">
               <td>Email:</TD><TD><input type="mail" class="form-control" name ="Picolo3" id="Picolo3"> </textarea></td><td><P>(Obligatoire*)</P></td>

            <tr bgcolor="#b0bffc">
               <td>Référence Questionnaire:</td>
               <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name ="Picolo4" id="Picolo4" > </textarea></td> <td> (Obligatoire*)</td>
            <tr bgcolor="#b0bffc">
               <td>Référence Client:</td>
               <td><input type="text" class="form-control" name ="Picolo5" id="Picolo5" > </textarea></td> <td> (Obligatoire*)</td>
               <TD bgcolor="#b0bffc">
                  <Center><button type="submit" name="bouton10" id="bouton10" class="btn btn-default" >Confirmer</button></Center>

            <table class="center-table" border ="1" align="center"  >

               <tr bgcolor="#b0bffc">   <td> Question</td> <td>Choix</td> <td>Commentaires</td>   </tr>




               <Center><button type="submit" name="bouton11" id="bouton11" class="btn btn-default" >Enregistrer</button></Center>
                  <a href ="Foredeckmain.php" >Retour</button> </a> 

         <div class="footer">
              <font color="white"> Foredeck Consulting Ltd &copy;  2017 </font>

It's ok i got it !

$un = 0;
$kv = 0 ;
$msgerror = "Veuillez remplir tous les champs ";    


    $id = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo4"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo4"] : "";
    $Nom = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo1"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo1"] : "";
    $Prenom = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo2"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo2"] : "";
    $Email = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo3"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo3"] : "";
    $RefClient = !empty($_REQUEST["Picolo5"]) ? $_REQUEST["Picolo5"] : "";
    if ($id !="" && $Nom !="" && $Prenom !="" && $Email !="" && $RefClient !=""){

        $recherche= "SELECT Ref,Question,Choix,Commentara FROM questionnaire WHERE Qref ='$id'";


        $result= mysqli_query($link,$recherche);
        $num_results = $result->num_rows;
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

            $Ref =$row["Ref"];
            $Question       =$row["Question"];


            echo" <tr bgcolor=\"white\">

            <td>$Question  </td>
                3<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un1\" value = \"3\">
                2<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un2\" value = \"2\">
                1<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un3\" value = \"1\">
                0<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un4\"  value = \"0\">
                PA<input type=\"radio\" name =\"$un\" id =\"un5\" value = \"PA\">
            <td width = \"60\"> <textarea name =\"text_$kv\" id =\"kv\" rows=\"5\" placeholder=\"Votre commentaire\"></textarea> </td> 


else {

    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('$msgerror')</script>";


$kv = 1;
$un = 1;
$i= 1 ;

if (isset($_POST["bouton11"]))   {

$comment = $_POST["text_$kv"]; 

$enregistrer = "INSERT INTO questionnaire(Choix,Commentara) VALUES('$choix','$comment') "; 
echo "$comment"; 
mysqli_query($link, $enregistrer); 

//Besoin d'un correctif

    //while(isset($_POST[$kv])) {
    //  $comment = $_POST["$kv"];

    //  $enregistrer2 = "INSERT INTO questionnaire(Commentara) VALUES('$comment')";
       // $kv++;

     // echo"$enregistrer2";

    //  mysqli_query($link, $enregistrer2);



If you want to insert both radiobutton and textarea to the same row,this is how you should do. Both the fields should be inserted from a single insert query

 if (isset($_POST["bouton11"]))

 $choix = $_POST["$un"];
$comment = $_POST["$kv"];
$enregistrer = INSERT INTO questionnaire(Choix,Commentara) VALUES($choix,$comment);
mysqli_query($link, $enregistrer); 


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