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How do I get python to recognise an RGB input?

My goal is to allow the user to input RGB values for both variables, but I do not know how to get Python to recognise an RGB value with a tag beforehand, such as with the int and float tags. An example of my code is shown below.

shape_fill = input ("Which color do you want to fill your shape? Please enter an RGB value.  ") )
shape_pen = input ("Which color do you want the outline of your shape to be? Please enter an RGB value.  ")

Does anyone have the solution?

BTW - I am using Turtle Graphics, does this have any effect?

Just let the user input comma-separated values:

R, G, B = map(float, input("Enter comma-separated: ").split(','))

So, when one enters 2.3, 6.7, 34.8 , the values of R , G and B will be floats extracted from the input.

You can also do:

shape_fill = map(...)
shape_pen = map(...)

And then unpack the floats later on with R, G, B = shape_something .

The following might do what you want -- an issue that hasn't been mentioned in the previous discussion is turtle.colormode() which affects whether you want int or float input:

from turtle import Turtle, Screen

def input_rgb(prompt=""):
    triple = None

    text = prompt + "Enter comma-separated RGB values: "

    while True:
            triple_string = input(text).split(',', maxsplit=2)

            if len(triple_string) != 3:

            if isinstance(screen.colormode(), float):
                triple = map(float, triple_string)
                triple = map(int, triple_string)

        except ValueError:


    return triple

screen = Screen()

yertle = Turtle(shape="turtle")

yertle.fillcolor(input_rgb("Fill color? "))
yertle.pencolor(input_rgb("Outline color? "))




% python3 test.py
Fill color? Enter comma-separated RGB values: 1.0,0.0,0.0
Outline color? Enter comma-separated RGB values: 0.0,0.0,1.0



The next challenge (for you) is to convert input_rgb() to use the turtle graphic input routines instead of input() :

turtle.textinput(title, prompt)
turtle.numinput(title, prompt, default=None, minval=None, maxval=None)


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