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Quicksort not working with large array

I am trying to implement a quicksort algorithm with Hoare partioning which can work with a large set of array. It works with small size arrays however when creating a large array the application stops working. Can anyone help?

The implementation looks as followed: QuickSort.h

void SerialQuicksort(T* first, T* last, T* myArray, int size) {
    if (last - first>1) {
        T* mid = ModifiedHoare(myArray, first, last);
        SerialQuicksort(first, mid+1, myArray, size);
        SerialQuicksort(mid+1, last, myArray, size);

Partitioning function:

    int* ModifiedHoare(int* a, int* p, int* r)
    if (*p>*r)
        swapp(p, r); // Sentinel at both ends
        int x = *p; // x stores the pivot and location p is vacant now.
        while (1)
            } while (*r>x); // search the smaller   element in right
                // portion.
                *p = *r; // location r is vacant now.
                } while (*p<x); // search the larger element in left portion.
                    if (p<r)
                        *r = *p; // location p is vacant now.
                    if (*(r + 1) <= x)
                    *r = x;
                    return r; // return the location of the pivot

inline void swapp(int* x, int* y)
    int temp = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = temp;

Test - Main

#define SIZE 20000
int* myArray = new int[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    *(myArray + i) = rand();

parallelQuick.SerialQuicksort(&myArray[0], &myArray[SIZE-1], myArray, SIZE);

Output on screen: 在此输入图像描述

When debugging the application an exception appears with the following:

Access violation writing location 0x00140F64

#define SIZE 356

通话次数 异常弹出窗口


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