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Rewriting URL path with Nginx, no redirect

Say we have url http://example.com/blog/posts and we want to use Nginx to serve as a forward proxy, directing that request to a backend that will only see that url as http://example.com/my-blog/foo/posts .

How is this possible with nginx, no redirects and totally transparent to the backend?

We have the following so far:

rewrite ^/blog/(.*)$ /my-blog/foo$ last;

Currently our logs show the following:

*1 "^(.*)$" matches "/blog/posts"

*1 rewritten data: "/my-blog/foo/posts"

GET /blog/posts HTTP/1.1" 404

Here's an example of what should work for you

location = /blog/posts {
  return 301 /my-blog/foo/posts;

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