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How to use graphql-type-json package with GraphQl

I can't get GraphQL to recognize the JSON scalar type.

I followed the [apollo docs] ( http://dev.apollodata.com/tools/graphql-tools/scalars.html#Using-a-package ) to define a JSON GraphQL scalar type for my schema:


const SchemaDefinition = `
   scalar JSON
   schema {
     query: Query
     mutation: Mutation

export default [

Test type:

const Test = `
  type Test {
    bodyJson: JSON


import GraphQLJSON from 'graphql-type-json'

const QueryResolver = {
  Query: {
    viewer(root, args, ctx) {
      return User.query()
        .where('id', ctx.state.user)

const scalarJSON = {

export default {

I'm using PostgreSQL and the column I'm querying (body_json) is of data type jsonb.

If I test my schema through GraphiQL, when I return the value straight from the db (I use Knex to query) I get this error message from GraphQL:

Expected a value of type \\"JSON\\" but received: [object Object]

If I use JSON.stringify first on the returned value, I get this error:

"Expected a value of type \\"JSON\\" but received: {\\"key\\":\\"test\\"}"

Any suggestion as to what I might be doing wrong?

I resolved custom scalar JSON like this in resolvers

 JSON: {

__serialize(value) {
    return GraphQLJSON.parseValue(value);
} }

And It worked fine for me. I think it will help you

我无法使用基于文本的模式使用自定义标量(使用来自核心“graphql”库的buildSchema('...') ),但是当我从头开始以编程方式构建模式时(使用new GraphQLSchema(...) )。

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