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How to std::map<enum class, std::string>?

I am trying to std::map, with an enum class and a std::string but I am getting some error. I am using gcc 4.4.7 with -std=c++0x (this is fixed)

At .h file:

enum class state_t{

typedef std::map<state_t,std::string> statemap_t;

At .cpp file:

statemap_t state={

The method to allow a state transitionis like:

Foo::allowStateChange(const state_t localState, const state_t globalState, const state_t newState){
    //Some code to verify if the state transition is allowed.
    std::cout << "Device Local State:" << state.find(localState)->second << "Device Global State:" << state.find(globalState)->second << "Device New State:" << state.find(newState)->second << std::endl;

When compilling, I get next error: error: invalid operands of types 'state_t' and 'state_t' to binary 'operator<'

If I change the enum class state_t to enum state_t it works. Is there any way to find in the map with an enum class?

Thanks in advance.

The following code works just fine (on Visual Studio 2015 (v140); which compiler is used in your case?):

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

enum class state_t {

typedef std::map<state_t, std::string> statemap_t;

statemap_t state = {
    { state_t::unknown,"unknown" },
    { state_t::off,"off"},
    { state_t::on,"on"},
    { state_t::fault,"fault"}

void allowStateChange(const state_t localState, const state_t globalState,     const state_t newState) {
    //Some code to verify if the state transition is allowed.
        << "Device Local State:" 
        << state.find(localState)->second 
        << ", Device Global State:" 
        << state.find(globalState)->second 
        << ", Device New State:" 
        << state.find(newState)->second 
        << std::endl;

int main()
    allowStateChange(state_t::on, state_t::off, state_t::fault);
    return 0;

BWT, there is a misspell "unkmown" in the state_t.

I assume the GCC compiler version you use does not support all of the infrastructure associated with enum classes. You'll therefore need to implement the missing operators yourself, as shown below:

inline bool operator <(const state_t left, const state_t right)
    return static_cast<int>(left) < static_cast<int>(right);

inline bool operator >(const state_t left, const state_t right)
    return static_cast<int>(left) > static_cast<int>(right);

In C++11, these functions are likely implemented via template specialization, using std::underlying_type for the static_cast and qualifiers tying them specifically to enum classes, some of which are probably not available under -std=c++0x for your specific compiler version

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