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How do I scan for an INT value in another process memory

I have been trying to find a good way to scan another programs memory on a specific value (int). What I have now does work but I am sure there are way better ways and way faster ways.

DWORD pid;
DWORD Money = 0x04661128; //Address of money in-game
int MyMoney;
int MyMoneyReal;

int main()
    HWND hWnd = FindWindowA(0, ("Euro Truck Simulator 2"));
    GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &pid);
    HANDLE pHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);
    cout << "Please input your exact current money value!" << pid << endl;
    cin >> MyMoneyReal;
    for (int i = 0; i < 0x7FFFFFFF; i++) {
        ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, (LPVOID)i, &MyMoney, sizeof(MyMoney), 0);
        if (MyMoney == MyMoneyReal) {
            cout << "Found a match: " << MyMoney << MyMoneyReal << " With HEX value: " << hex << i << endl;
    cout << "Processing...";

So as you can see, I make an int MyMoney and MyMoneyReal. Then I proceed to scan from 0 to 0x7FFFFFFF in the program memory to find all addressess containing MyMoneyReal. This takes a very long time to complete and I'm sure there are better ways, I have no clue how though.

I should add: I am very new to C++ so any extra help is always nice :)

Your loop calls ReadProcessMemory 2147483647 times.

Every time it's called it has to verify that the memory is readable and then it copies sizeof(int) bytes into the buffer. It has its cost...

You can read for example 1MB chunks of memory so you've got fewer calls to ReadProcessMemory . Then you can process each chunk locally just like you do it now. Simplified version:

constexpr unsigned CHUNK_SIZE = 0x100000;
constexpr unsigned MAX_ADDRESS = 0x7FFFFFFF;
//remember to make sure stack is big enough or allocate it on heap
char buffer[CHUNK_SIZE];

for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_ADDRESS; i += CHUNK_SIZE) {
    if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)i, buffer, sizeof(buffer), nullptr)) {
        for (int j = 0; j <= CHUNK_SIZE - sizeof(int); ++j) {
            int something;
            memcpy(&something, buffer + j, sizeof(int));

As you can see in the inner for we read up until CHUNK_SIZE - sizeof(int) because we don't want to read past the end of buffer. However outer loop in my example doesn't handle it properly and we skip some bytes. It's easy to fix, I leave it up to you.

Of course your buffer can be bigger/smaller. You have to try and measure.

Note: This is still a lot of operations. We just limit the number of calls to potentially expensive ReadProcessMemory . You should try to limit your address range. I'm pretty sure most of this calls to ReadProcessMemory just fail. As suggested in comments, one is to use VirtualQueryEx

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