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Regex to match second line

I am trying to use an expression in WebHarvy (.NET) to match the 2nd line in a paragraph, with a double line break between them


This is the first line

This is the second line

I have tried using \n(.*)\n\n but it returns the empty line break instead of the second line.

Please check https://regex101.com/r/9GjHTM/1

Kindly advise


Try using the following regex :


see demo / explanation

In WebHarvey regex , you can capture what you need:

WebHarvy will extract only those portion(s) of the main text which matches the group(s) specified in the RegEx string.

So, use


The expression matches:

  • (?:\\r\\n?|\\n){2} - exactly two occurrences ( {2} ) of
    • \\r\\n? - a CR (carriage return) followed by 1 or 0 (=optional) LF (newlines)
    • | - or
    • \\n - an LF (a newline)
  • (.+) - Capturing group 1 (the substring matched with this subpattern will be output by WebHarvey)

Answer: \n.*

You can try this for match second line in Regular Expression (REGEX)

Regex: \n.*


 var regex = /\n.*/; var str = `1st line 2nd line 3rd line`; document.write(str.match(regex));

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