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saving xml data in php

I am trying to create and save an xml file using a database query in PHP. Code

$INC_DIR = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]. "/dispatch-dev/";
include_once($INC_DIR. 'config/database.class.php');
require_once ($INC_DIR.'functions/ftp.php');

function export_xml($call_number)
 $db = new Database();

$sql = "SELECT * FROM nfirs_export WHERE incident_number = :call_number";
$db->bind(':call_number', $call_number);
$xml = new XMLWriter();
$file = 'parkerfd_' . $call_number . '.xml';
$xml_File = $INC_DIR. "nfirs_files/" .$file;



    //call number


    //address number

    //prefix directions

    //street name

    //street type

    //cross street 1

    //cross street 2



    //incident type

    $xml->endElement(); //incident element

    header('Content-type: text/xml');

    file_put_contents($xml_File, $xml->outputMemory());


    send_ftp($xml_File, $file);

The intent of the code is to save an xml file called 'parkerfd_xxxxxxxx.xml' to the directory root/nfirs_files. Why do I not save the xml file? R

There a bunch of reasons why this isn't working.

First reason, you're accessing $INC_DIR which isn't defined in your function. You'll want to allow it to be used by adding the following code

function export_xml($call_number)
    global $INC_DIR;

    // rest of your code

Second reason, the path $INC_DIR. "nfirs_files/" $INC_DIR. "nfirs_files/" may not even exist, so it can't create the file. You'll want to make sure the folder exists, and if not create it.

if (false === is_dir($INC_DIR. "nfirs_files/")) {
    if (false === mkdir($INC_DIR. "nfirs_files/", 0755)) {
        die('failed to create folder'); // you'll need to debug this

Third this is more of just to make your life easier. Instead of defining each key just do this.


foreach($row as $key => $value) {


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