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Not able to fetch header data in rest assured for rest web service of type GET

I have GET REST API, which sends some information in response header. I am writing test case using rest assured framework, issue I am facing is, in response of GET API, I am not getting header string set by the server in rest API response. I have checked the same API in Rest client and HTTP Resource, there I can see the header information set by server in API response.

But in rest assured Response object, header information set by server is not available.

Rest API code:

    public Response downloadContractZipFile(@PathParam("contractId") final String contractId) throws CMException{
        ContractActionRequest contractActionRequest = new ContractActionRequest();
        DownloadActionResponse  downloadActionResponse  = (DownloadActionResponse) executeAction(Action.DOWNLOAD, contractActionRequest);

        Response res =  Response
                 .ok(downloadActionResponse.getFilestream(), MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)
                 .header("Expires", "0")
                 .header("Content-Length",  String.valueOf(downloadActionResponse.getContentLength()) )
        return res;

Above you can see, API is returning Content-Length in header. But when I am invoking above API using rest assured framework, it does not receive "Content-Length" in header. Assert is getting failed. Rest assured Test case code:


java.lang.AssertionError: Expected header "Content-Length" was not "7562", was "null". Headers are:
Cache-Control=no-cache, no-store
Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

I suggest you try Karate instead of REST-Assured as it has much better support for validating response headers.

(disclaimer: am Karate dev)

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