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Groovy script: How to parse/format Json in groovy in each loop

I am new on Groovy, I am trying to mock a service in soap ui.

Requirement is to load a text file with json data, and load a node with matching data.

whati have tried is as below,

def inputFile = new File("D:\\Users\\json.txt")
def InputJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(inputFile.text)

        def ID1 = it
        it.items.each { 
            if(it.Number == itemNumber) 
                log.info it
                requestContext.Id = ID1

This works perfectly fine just one issue, is the format. when ID1 loads into requestContext.Id, the format of json is lost from the file.

What I need is

 "items" {
        "number" : 1475175072691

what i get is

 metadata = {
        timestamp = 1475175072691

Why does it take away the double quotes " and colon : from my json. Please suggest.

The following code:

import groovy.json.*

def str = '''\

def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(str)

json.each { 
  println JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(it))

prints out the following result:

    "items": {
        "number": 1475175072691
    "items": {
        "number": 1475175072691
    "items": {
        "number": 1475175072691
    "items": {
        "number": 1475175072691

In other words, you need to serialize and pretty print the json nodes to get the format you want.

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