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how to install OpenBR

I want to install openbr in windows. I use VS2015 and Qt5.8 and CMake3.7win64x64 and opencv3.2 . (in http://openbiometrics.org/docs/install/index.html#windows has pointed use VS2013, OpenCV2.4.11, Qt5.4.1 but i don't know, the problem relate to versions or not?!) when i type: cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DBUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF -DWITH_FFMPEG=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. in VS2015x86x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt i get this error:


what's the problem?

I should send as comment but I cannot. I tried OpenBR yesterday and face some version problem,too. But In your question, It seems it is the problem of Building openCV.

I saw that your error message is the same as your command. Is there any copy-paste error?

Since this step seems nothing to do with QT, I used VS2015, openCV3.0 and cmake 3.5.1

what I did is:

  1. mkdir build-msvc2015
  2. cd build-msvc2015

and worked fine. It would face some problem if you don't cd to the folder or the folder have already something in that.So I think the later version of openCV and visual studio would be fine in this step.

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