cost 421 ms
how to install OpenBR

I want to install openbr in windows. I use VS2015 and Qt5.8 and CMake3.7win64x64 and opencv3.2. (in ...

2017-03-03 05:20:31   1   737    openbr  
How to run C++ files in OpenBR?

Sorry if the documentation is clear on this, but I'm having a hard time running C++ files in OpenBR. I've tried running them through the terminal via ...

2016-03-16 21:45:41   1   272    c++ / qt / openbr  
Compile error in Qt/C++

I am trying to compile an example from a library. I have Qt installed but I think I have to link it and I don't know how. This is the error: ...

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