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How can I give data from my webworker to highchart

I am working with highcharts, I want to update highcharts series from my web-worker. My web-worker is receiving data from my api via xmlhttprequest now I want to update my chart without refreshing the web page , and how can I pass that data to highcharts series?

You need to use the onMessage event, and post messages from the worker to the client. Messages should be stringyfied object or arrays.

In your main code:

var worker = new Worker('w/main-worker.js');
worker.postMessage('message to worker');

worker.onmessage = function(e) {
    // do stuff with data from worker

In your worker:

// do stuff
// when stuff is ready

// handle messages from the main thread
onmessage = function(e) {
    // do stuff with message from main thread

I have few demos here: https://github.com/mchaov/WebWorkers There are demos for similar use case like yours.

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